Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Early childhood - Philosophy and newsletter Assignment

Early childhood - Philosophy and newsletter - Assignment Example (Ornstein, 1998) Early Childhood Education . . . . 1. Should be about making discoveries 2. Should show experience is important in learning 3. Experiences that builds upon other skills learned 4. Should teach about the community 5. Should show how we fit into that community 6. Should be challenging 7. Should be engaging 8. Should show that making relationships is important 9. Is a time that we learn about and work towards explanations and reasons and find solutions 10. Will teach how to make decisions 11. Will give children a chance to make choices â€Å"According to Shileod and Bergson Early childhood education is to try and create an ideal adult by making reasoned choices and decisions to reach our goals and society’s goals. We will learn to see things in different ways, and to make connections that we need to learn. We will also not criticize or learn to criticize to speak our minds. We will learn and be able to observe, question, challenge, invent, speculate and explore.à ¢â‚¬ (Cromwell, 2000) Activities for Learning Early Childhood Education must also develop positive self-esteem, show how to be nurturing and to use our natural resources to improve our survival in the community and the world and to be able to solve their own problems and children and adults will continue to always keep learning. Early childhood education should also show that learning never stops it just keeps happening. This field of education has children learn by Specific Skills or in increment. Children learn by training, practice and motivation. They will learn that failures are still learning and through failing we learn how to make our lives and relationships better. Early childhood education is a beginning and teaches that we want balance to what we can do and what we want to do. In my philosophy I want my teaching to be based on Discovery learning and Mastery learning. (Ornstein, 1998) Play is also important in the early childhood education. In a child care center for two to five year olds the teacher will have learning centers for the various content areas. In our center we will be using Science, Social Studies units along with Language activities to teach our children about the community around them. The activities will involve growing plants from seeds, then trying to figure out how these plants can help the community and the world around them. Play is another way that the children will learn in this child care center. The children will learn through play activities that are age appropriate that will teach them about cooperation and how to self-initiate ideas of their own. Play can be used in the content areas and the children can learn the necessary skill of learning how to question what is going on around them. Through play children will become aware and be sensitive to the happenings around them and make friends with the children of other cultures. Early childhood education also allows the children to make many choices and this will help them t o improve their thinking skills and also to improve their persuasive skills. The children will also learn and use decision-making skills. This early childhood center will always be aware of the safety needs of the children for healthy living. The center will also be flexible and creative in our ways of teaching academics and social interactions.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Media Concentration and Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Concentration and Control - Assignment Example   In the when corporations are aiming to paint themselves as good corporate citizens, one cannot avoid questioning the extent to which the information fed to the general public is censored. Consequently, it would be rational for the government to limit the level of concentration of media ownership for the best interest of the public. This paper explores the reasons why the government should limit the concentration of media ownership, incorporating the views of various researchers. Concentrated media ownership kills social justice and democracy. Freedman (2014) stated that the Mexican students protested against two major TV channels that had the most influence in the media. Kawashima (2011) argues that the concentrated media ownership is anti-democratic as it restricts cultural diversity and does not allow citizens to make informed decisions and exchange ideas that are important to their public life. Furthermore, Hasmondhalgh (2012) and Baker (2007) argue that media is a cultural industry. Thus, if the power is intensified in few groups, it will transform the cultural industries to capital accumulation firms. This, in turn, can exploit creative labour. Freedman (2014) asserted that the government should not make any extra arrangements to protect the media ownership. Murdoch (2009) argued that media are like any other organisation where if the public does not like the service or the product, it fails. Therefore, the special protection of media services or the me dia concentration is against the basic principles of free market. Baker (2009) supported the argument of media diversity through a normative theory of democracy that suggests the authority should be controlled by public opinion. The media concentration process controls the public opinion. Thus, Baker (2009) suggests that not only the media should diversify in terms of the number of media channels but also the sources of media. Diverse media would push for the overall benefit of the entire society unlike concentration, which works in the best interest of a few individuals pursuing similar goals.Â